Hot South American Girls Calendar 2014 World Cup

         Official Girls Calendar for 2014 FIFA World Cup

FIFA world Cup 2014 is less than 2 months away and most of the fans by now have booked trips while for the ones who have not done yet, or struggling to find a reason just take a look at some of the girls below which showcase what South America has to offer this summer.

I must admit I don’t like any of these girls below, but I am posting just for the sake of football fans who like them big and these girls are big, A bit too much for my liking but hey! you might have a different taste than I do. This is a calendar shoot which was taken a few days ago, featuring some not so hot south american girls who are often seen in football stadiums around south american countries, showcasing their private parts for everyone to see. Not all of them are brazilian, some are from paraguay and some from other countries.

Before you get all excited about world cup and the girls, you need to know that Brazil is one of the top countries in terms of crimes, kidnapping the foreign tourists is pretty normal. Furthermore while you are in Brazil keep yourself safe not only from kidnappers but from the STDs.

This is the country run by slum lords, and I dont know whos idea is to promote world cup brazil with these “not so hot” and who gonna buy the idea.

And last but not the least, two more girls without those silly logos

If Brazil are going to advertise their biggest competition campaign, many guys won’t make it if their wives and girlfriends find out about it. South American brand of football is much more attractive than the girls, but thats just my opinion.
